AD7625 driver

ADC driver for Analog Devices Inc. AD7625, AD7626, AD7960, and AD7961 devices. The module name is ad7625.

Supported devices

The following chips are supported by this driver:

The driver requires use of the Pulsar LVDS HDL project:

To trigger conversions and enable subsequent data transfer, the devices require coupled PWM signals with a phase offset.

Supported features

Conversion control modes

The driver currently supports one of two possible LVDS conversion control methods.

Echoed-Clock interface mode

           +xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| CNV            |
           X                          |                |
           v                          |    HOST        |
+----------------------------+        |                |
|      CNV+/CNV-   DCO+/DCO- |xxxxxxx>| CLK_IN         |
|                            |        |                |
|                            |        |                |
|       AD7625         D+/D- |xxxxxxx>| DATA_IN        |
|                            |        |                |
|                            |        |                |
|                  CLK+/CLK- |<xxxxxxx| CLK & CLK_GATE |
+----------------------------+        |                |

Reference voltage

Three possible reference voltage sources are supported:

  • Internal reference (only available on AD7625 and AD7626)

  • External reference and internal buffer

  • External reference

The source is determined by the device tree. If ref-supply is present, then the external reference is used. If refin-supply is present, then the internal buffer is used. If neither is present, then the internal reference is used.

Unimplemented features

  • Self-clocked mode

Device attributes

The AD762x is a fully-differential ADC and has the following attributes:




Scale factor to convert raw value from buffered reads to mV.

Device buffers

This driver supports IIO triggered buffers.

See Industrial IIO device buffers for more information.