08:19 DavidHeidelberg: karolherbst: do we need clspv-- and clspv64-- for something with rusticl or clover? I have feeling description says it's for VK <-> CL stuff
09:23 daniels: DavidHeidelberg: clspv is a separate Google project with clvk
09:23 daniels: mesa doesn’t need it
09:24 DavidHeidelberg: daniels: thanks, do you know if anything FOSS needs it (which is usually packaged within distros)?
09:26 daniels: nope, it’s just a standalone project - think ANGLE but for CL - so I haven’t seen anything directly depend on it
09:28 DavidHeidelberg: perfect, thank you, we can exclude it and enable tests... since the tests failing only on these...