st_mesa_to_tgsi.c File Reference

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static GLuint map_register_file (enum register_file file, GLuint index, const GLuint immediateMapping[], GLboolean indirectAccess)
static GLuint map_register_file_index (GLuint file, GLuint index, const GLuint inputMapping[], const GLuint outputMapping[], const GLuint immediateMapping[], GLboolean indirectAccess)
 Map mesa register file index to TGSI index.
static GLuint map_texture_target (GLuint textarget)
static GLuint convert_sat (GLuint sat)
static GLuint convert_writemask (GLuint writemask)
static struct tgsi_full_immediate make_immediate (const float *value, uint size)
static void compile_instruction (const struct prog_instruction *inst, struct tgsi_full_instruction *fullinst, const GLuint inputMapping[], const GLuint outputMapping[], const GLuint immediateMapping[], GLboolean indirectAccess, GLuint preamble_size, GLuint processor, GLboolean *insideSubroutine)
static struct tgsi_full_declaration make_input_decl (GLuint index, GLboolean interpolate_info, GLuint interpolate, GLuint usage_mask, GLboolean semantic_info, GLuint semantic_name, GLbitfield semantic_index, GLbitfield input_flags)
usage_mask bitfield of TGSI_WRITEMASK_{XYZW} tokens

static struct tgsi_full_declaration make_output_decl (GLuint index, GLuint semantic_name, GLuint semantic_index, GLuint usage_mask, GLbitfield output_flags)
usage_mask bitfield of TGSI_WRITEMASK_{XYZW} tokens

static struct tgsi_full_declaration make_temp_decl (GLuint start_index, GLuint end_index)
static struct tgsi_full_declaration make_addr_decl (GLuint start_index, GLuint end_index)
static struct tgsi_full_declaration make_sampler_decl (GLuint index)
static struct tgsi_full_declaration make_constant_decl (GLuint first, GLuint last)
 Reference into a constant buffer.
static void find_temporaries (const struct gl_program *program, GLboolean tempsUsed[MAX_PROGRAM_TEMPS])
 Find the temporaries which are used in the given program.
GLuint st_translate_mesa_program (uint procType, const struct gl_program *program, GLuint numInputs, const GLuint inputMapping[], const ubyte inputSemanticName[], const ubyte inputSemanticIndex[], const GLuint interpMode[], const GLbitfield inputFlags[], GLuint numOutputs, const GLuint outputMapping[], const ubyte outputSemanticName[], const ubyte outputSemanticIndex[], const GLbitfield outputFlags[], struct tgsi_token *tokens, GLuint maxTokens)
 Translate Mesa program to TGSI format.

Function Documentation

static void compile_instruction ( const struct prog_instruction *  inst,
struct tgsi_full_instruction fullinst,
const GLuint  inputMapping[],
const GLuint  outputMapping[],
const GLuint  immediateMapping[],
GLboolean  indirectAccess,
GLuint  preamble_size,
GLuint  processor,
GLboolean *  insideSubroutine 
) [static]

Definition at line 198 of file st_mesa_to_tgsi.c.

References tgsi_src_register_ext_mod::Absolute, assert, convert_sat(), convert_writemask(), tgsi_full_dst_register::DstRegister, tgsi_src_register::File, tgsi_dst_register::File, tgsi_full_instruction::FullDstRegisters, tgsi_full_instruction::FullSrcRegisters, tgsi_src_register::Index, tgsi_dst_register::Index, tgsi_src_register::Indirect, tgsi_full_instruction::Instruction, tgsi_full_instruction::InstructionExtLabel, tgsi_full_instruction::InstructionExtTexture, tgsi_instruction_ext_label::Label, map_register_file(), map_register_file_index(), map_texture_target(), tgsi_src_register_ext_mod::Negate, tgsi_src_register::Negate, tgsi_src_register_ext_swz::NegateW, tgsi_src_register_ext_swz::NegateX, tgsi_src_register_ext_swz::NegateY, tgsi_src_register_ext_swz::NegateZ, tgsi_instruction::NumDstRegs, tgsi_instruction::NumSrcRegs, tgsi_instruction::Opcode, tgsi_instruction::Saturate, tgsi_full_src_register::SrcRegister, tgsi_full_src_register::SrcRegisterExtMod, tgsi_full_src_register::SrcRegisterExtSwz, tgsi_full_src_register::SrcRegisterInd, tgsi_instruction_ext_texture::Texture, tgsi_default_full_instruction(), TGSI_FILE_ADDRESS, TGSI_FILE_SAMPLER, TGSI_OPCODE_ABS, TGSI_OPCODE_ADD, TGSI_OPCODE_ARL, TGSI_OPCODE_BGNLOOP2, TGSI_OPCODE_BGNSUB, TGSI_OPCODE_BRA, TGSI_OPCODE_BRK, TGSI_OPCODE_CAL, TGSI_OPCODE_CMP, TGSI_OPCODE_CONT, TGSI_OPCODE_COS, TGSI_OPCODE_DDX, TGSI_OPCODE_DDY, TGSI_OPCODE_DP3, TGSI_OPCODE_DP4, TGSI_OPCODE_DPH, TGSI_OPCODE_DST, TGSI_OPCODE_ELSE, TGSI_OPCODE_END, TGSI_OPCODE_ENDIF, TGSI_OPCODE_ENDLOOP2, TGSI_OPCODE_ENDSUB, TGSI_OPCODE_EX2, TGSI_OPCODE_EXP, TGSI_OPCODE_FLR, TGSI_OPCODE_FRC, TGSI_OPCODE_IF, TGSI_OPCODE_INT, TGSI_OPCODE_KIL, TGSI_OPCODE_KILP, TGSI_OPCODE_LG2, TGSI_OPCODE_LIT, TGSI_OPCODE_LOG, TGSI_OPCODE_LRP, TGSI_OPCODE_MAD, TGSI_OPCODE_MAX, TGSI_OPCODE_MIN, TGSI_OPCODE_MOV, TGSI_OPCODE_MUL, TGSI_OPCODE_NOISE1, TGSI_OPCODE_NOISE2, TGSI_OPCODE_NOISE3, TGSI_OPCODE_NOISE4, TGSI_OPCODE_NOP, TGSI_OPCODE_POW, TGSI_OPCODE_RCP, TGSI_OPCODE_RET, TGSI_OPCODE_RSQ, TGSI_OPCODE_SCS, TGSI_OPCODE_SEQ, TGSI_OPCODE_SGE, TGSI_OPCODE_SGT, TGSI_OPCODE_SIN, TGSI_OPCODE_SLE, TGSI_OPCODE_SLT, TGSI_OPCODE_SNE, TGSI_OPCODE_SUB, TGSI_OPCODE_SWZ, TGSI_OPCODE_TEX, TGSI_OPCODE_TXB, TGSI_OPCODE_TXD, TGSI_OPCODE_TXL, TGSI_OPCODE_TXP, TGSI_OPCODE_XPD, tgsi_util_set_full_src_register_sign_mode(), tgsi_util_set_src_register_extswizzle(), tgsi_util_set_src_register_swizzle(), TGSI_UTIL_SIGN_CLEAR, TGSI_WRITEMASK_XY, TGSI_WRITEMASK_XYZ, and tgsi_dst_register::WriteMask.

00208 {
00209    GLuint i;
00210    struct tgsi_full_dst_register *fulldst;
00211    struct tgsi_full_src_register *fullsrc;
00213    *fullinst = tgsi_default_full_instruction();
00215    fullinst->Instruction.Saturate = convert_sat( inst->SaturateMode );
00216    fullinst->Instruction.NumDstRegs = _mesa_num_inst_dst_regs( inst->Opcode );
00217    fullinst->Instruction.NumSrcRegs = _mesa_num_inst_src_regs( inst->Opcode );
00219    fulldst = &fullinst->FullDstRegisters[0];
00220    fulldst->DstRegister.File = map_register_file( inst->DstReg.File, 0, NULL, GL_FALSE );
00221    fulldst->DstRegister.Index = map_register_file_index(
00222       fulldst->DstRegister.File,
00223       inst->DstReg.Index,
00224       inputMapping,
00225       outputMapping,
00226       NULL,
00227       GL_FALSE );
00228    fulldst->DstRegister.WriteMask = convert_writemask( inst->DstReg.WriteMask );
00230    for (i = 0; i < fullinst->Instruction.NumSrcRegs; i++) {
00231       GLuint j;
00233       fullsrc = &fullinst->FullSrcRegisters[i];
00234       fullsrc->SrcRegister.File = map_register_file(
00235          inst->SrcReg[i].File,
00236          inst->SrcReg[i].Index,
00237          immediateMapping,
00238          indirectAccess );
00239       fullsrc->SrcRegister.Index = map_register_file_index(
00240          fullsrc->SrcRegister.File,
00241          inst->SrcReg[i].Index,
00242          inputMapping,
00243          outputMapping,
00244          immediateMapping,
00245          indirectAccess );
00248       /* swizzle (ext swizzle also depends on negation) */
00249       {
00250          GLuint swz[4];
00251          GLboolean extended = (inst->SrcReg[i].NegateBase != NEGATE_NONE &&
00252                                inst->SrcReg[i].NegateBase != NEGATE_XYZW);
00253          for( j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) {
00254             swz[j] = GET_SWZ( inst->SrcReg[i].Swizzle, j );
00255             if (swz[j] > SWIZZLE_W)
00256                extended = GL_TRUE;
00257          }
00258          if (extended) {
00259             for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
00260                tgsi_util_set_src_register_extswizzle(&fullsrc->SrcRegisterExtSwz,
00261                                                      swz[j], j);
00262             }
00263          }
00264          else {
00265             for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
00266                tgsi_util_set_src_register_swizzle(&fullsrc->SrcRegister,
00267                                                   swz[j], j);
00268             }
00269          }
00270       }
00272       if( inst->SrcReg[i].NegateBase == NEGATE_XYZW ) {
00273          fullsrc->SrcRegister.Negate = 1;
00274       }
00275       else if( inst->SrcReg[i].NegateBase != NEGATE_NONE ) {
00276          if( inst->SrcReg[i].NegateBase & NEGATE_X ) {
00277             fullsrc->SrcRegisterExtSwz.NegateX = 1;
00278          }
00279          if( inst->SrcReg[i].NegateBase & NEGATE_Y ) {
00280             fullsrc->SrcRegisterExtSwz.NegateY = 1;
00281          }
00282          if( inst->SrcReg[i].NegateBase & NEGATE_Z ) {
00283             fullsrc->SrcRegisterExtSwz.NegateZ = 1;
00284          }
00285          if( inst->SrcReg[i].NegateBase & NEGATE_W ) {
00286             fullsrc->SrcRegisterExtSwz.NegateW = 1;
00287          }
00288       }
00290       if( inst->SrcReg[i].Abs ) {
00291          fullsrc->SrcRegisterExtMod.Absolute = 1;
00292       }
00294       if( inst->SrcReg[i].NegateAbs ) {
00295          fullsrc->SrcRegisterExtMod.Negate = 1;
00296       }
00298       if( inst->SrcReg[i].RelAddr ) {
00299          fullsrc->SrcRegister.Indirect = 1;
00301          fullsrc->SrcRegisterInd.File = TGSI_FILE_ADDRESS;
00302          fullsrc->SrcRegisterInd.Index = 0;
00303       }
00304    }
00306    switch( inst->Opcode ) {
00307    case OPCODE_ARL:
00308       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_ARL;
00309       break;
00310    case OPCODE_ABS:
00311       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_ABS;
00312       break;
00313    case OPCODE_ADD:
00314       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_ADD;
00315       break;
00316    case OPCODE_BGNLOOP:
00317       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_BGNLOOP2;
00318       fullinst->InstructionExtLabel.Label = inst->BranchTarget + preamble_size;
00319       break;
00320    case OPCODE_BGNSUB:
00321       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_BGNSUB;
00322       *insideSubroutine = GL_TRUE;
00323       break;
00324    case OPCODE_BRA:
00325       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_BRA;
00326       break;
00327    case OPCODE_BRK:
00328       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_BRK;
00329       break;
00330    case OPCODE_CAL:
00331       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_CAL;
00332       fullinst->InstructionExtLabel.Label = inst->BranchTarget + preamble_size;
00333       break;
00334    case OPCODE_CMP:
00335       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_CMP;
00336       break;
00337    case OPCODE_CONT:
00338       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_CONT;
00339       break;
00340    case OPCODE_COS:
00341       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_COS;
00342       break;
00343    case OPCODE_DDX:
00344       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_DDX;
00345       break;
00346    case OPCODE_DDY:
00347       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_DDY;
00348       break;
00349    case OPCODE_DP3:
00350       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_DP3;
00351       break;
00352    case OPCODE_DP4:
00353       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_DP4;
00354       break;
00355    case OPCODE_DPH:
00356       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_DPH;
00357       break;
00358    case OPCODE_DST:
00359       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_DST;
00360       break;
00361    case OPCODE_ELSE:
00362       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_ELSE;
00363       fullinst->InstructionExtLabel.Label = inst->BranchTarget + preamble_size;
00364       break;
00365    case OPCODE_ENDIF:
00366       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_ENDIF;
00367       break;
00368    case OPCODE_ENDLOOP:
00369       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_ENDLOOP2;
00370       fullinst->InstructionExtLabel.Label = inst->BranchTarget + preamble_size;
00371       break;
00372    case OPCODE_ENDSUB:
00373       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_ENDSUB;
00374       *insideSubroutine = GL_FALSE;
00375       break;
00376    case OPCODE_EX2:
00377       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_EX2;
00378       break;
00379    case OPCODE_EXP:
00380       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_EXP;
00381       break;
00382    case OPCODE_FLR:
00383       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_FLR;
00384       break;
00385    case OPCODE_FRC:
00386       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_FRC;
00387       break;
00388    case OPCODE_IF:
00389       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_IF;
00390       fullinst->InstructionExtLabel.Label = inst->BranchTarget + preamble_size;
00391       break;
00392    case OPCODE_INT:
00393       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_INT;
00394       break;
00395    case OPCODE_KIL:
00396       /* conditional */
00397       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_KIL;
00398       break;
00399    case OPCODE_KIL_NV:
00400       /* predicated */
00401       assert(inst->DstReg.CondMask == COND_TR);
00402       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_KILP;
00403       break;
00404    case OPCODE_LG2:
00405       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_LG2;
00406       break;
00407    case OPCODE_LOG:
00408       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_LOG;
00409       break;
00410    case OPCODE_LIT:
00411       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_LIT;
00412       break;
00413    case OPCODE_LRP:
00414       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_LRP;
00415       break;
00416    case OPCODE_MAD:
00417       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_MAD;
00418       break;
00419    case OPCODE_MAX:
00420       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_MAX;
00421       break;
00422    case OPCODE_MIN:
00423       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_MIN;
00424       break;
00425    case OPCODE_MOV:
00426       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_MOV;
00427       break;
00428    case OPCODE_MUL:
00429       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_MUL;
00430       break;
00431    case OPCODE_NOISE1:
00432       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_NOISE1;
00433       break;
00434    case OPCODE_NOISE2:
00435       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_NOISE2;
00436       break;
00437    case OPCODE_NOISE3:
00438       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_NOISE3;
00439       break;
00440    case OPCODE_NOISE4:
00441       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_NOISE4;
00442       break;
00443    case OPCODE_NOP:
00444       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_NOP;
00445       break;
00446    case OPCODE_POW:
00447       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_POW;
00448       break;
00449    case OPCODE_RCP:
00450       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_RCP;
00451       break;
00452    case OPCODE_RET:
00453       /* If RET is used inside main (not a real subroutine) we may want
00454        * to execute END instead of RET.  TBD...
00455        */
00456       if (1 /*  *insideSubroutine */) {
00457          fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_RET;
00458       }
00459       else {
00460          /* inside main() pseudo-function */
00461          fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_END;
00462       }
00463       break;
00464    case OPCODE_RSQ:
00465       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_RSQ;
00467       /* KW: Don't do this here.  If particular hardware needs to do
00468        * this, can do so in the driver..
00469        */
00470 #if 0
00471        tgsi_util_set_full_src_register_sign_mode(
00472           &fullinst->FullSrcRegisters[0],
00473           TGSI_UTIL_SIGN_CLEAR ); 
00474 #endif
00475       break;
00476    case OPCODE_SCS:
00477       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_SCS;
00478       fulldst->DstRegister.WriteMask &= TGSI_WRITEMASK_XY;
00479       break;
00480    case OPCODE_SEQ:
00481       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_SEQ;
00482       break;
00483    case OPCODE_SGE:
00484       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_SGE;
00485       break;
00486    case OPCODE_SGT:
00487       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_SGT;
00488       break;
00489    case OPCODE_SIN:
00490       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_SIN;
00491       break;
00492    case OPCODE_SLE:
00493       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_SLE;
00494       break;
00495    case OPCODE_SLT:
00496       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_SLT;
00497       break;
00498    case OPCODE_SNE:
00499       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_SNE;
00500       break;
00501    case OPCODE_SUB:
00502       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_SUB;
00503       break;
00504    case OPCODE_SWZ:
00505       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_SWZ;
00506       break;
00507    case OPCODE_TEX:
00508       /* ordinary texture lookup */
00509       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_TEX;
00510       fullinst->Instruction.NumSrcRegs = 2;
00511       fullinst->InstructionExtTexture.Texture = map_texture_target( inst->TexSrcTarget );
00512       fullinst->FullSrcRegisters[1].SrcRegister.File = TGSI_FILE_SAMPLER;
00513       fullinst->FullSrcRegisters[1].SrcRegister.Index = inst->TexSrcUnit;
00514       break;
00515    case OPCODE_TXB:
00516       /* texture lookup with LOD bias */
00517       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_TXB;
00518       fullinst->Instruction.NumSrcRegs = 2;
00519       fullinst->InstructionExtTexture.Texture = map_texture_target( inst->TexSrcTarget );
00520       fullinst->FullSrcRegisters[1].SrcRegister.File = TGSI_FILE_SAMPLER;
00521       fullinst->FullSrcRegisters[1].SrcRegister.Index = inst->TexSrcUnit;
00522       break;
00523    case OPCODE_TXD:
00524       /* texture lookup with explicit partial derivatives */
00525       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_TXD;
00526       fullinst->Instruction.NumSrcRegs = 4;
00527       fullinst->InstructionExtTexture.Texture = map_texture_target( inst->TexSrcTarget );
00528       /* src[0] = coord, src[1] = d[strq]/dx, src[2] = d[strq]/dy */
00529       fullinst->FullSrcRegisters[3].SrcRegister.File = TGSI_FILE_SAMPLER;
00530       fullinst->FullSrcRegisters[3].SrcRegister.Index = inst->TexSrcUnit;
00531       break;
00532    case OPCODE_TXL:
00533       /* texture lookup with explicit LOD */
00534       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_TXL;
00535       fullinst->Instruction.NumSrcRegs = 2;
00536       fullinst->InstructionExtTexture.Texture = map_texture_target( inst->TexSrcTarget );
00537       fullinst->FullSrcRegisters[1].SrcRegister.File = TGSI_FILE_SAMPLER;
00538       fullinst->FullSrcRegisters[1].SrcRegister.Index = inst->TexSrcUnit;
00539       break;
00540    case OPCODE_TXP:
00541       /* texture lookup with divide by Q component */
00542       /* convert to TEX w/ special flag for division */
00543       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_TXP;
00544       fullinst->Instruction.NumSrcRegs = 2;
00545       fullinst->InstructionExtTexture.Texture = map_texture_target( inst->TexSrcTarget );
00546       fullinst->FullSrcRegisters[1].SrcRegister.File = TGSI_FILE_SAMPLER;
00547       fullinst->FullSrcRegisters[1].SrcRegister.Index = inst->TexSrcUnit;
00548       break;
00549    case OPCODE_XPD:
00550       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_XPD;
00551       fulldst->DstRegister.WriteMask &= TGSI_WRITEMASK_XYZ;
00552       break;
00553    case OPCODE_END:
00554       fullinst->Instruction.Opcode = TGSI_OPCODE_END;
00555       break;
00556    default:
00557       assert( 0 );
00558    }
00559 }

static GLuint convert_sat ( GLuint  sat  )  [static]

Definition at line 156 of file st_mesa_to_tgsi.c.


00158 {
00159    switch( sat ) {
00160    case SATURATE_OFF:
00161       return TGSI_SAT_NONE;
00162    case SATURATE_ZERO_ONE:
00163       return TGSI_SAT_ZERO_ONE;
00165       return TGSI_SAT_MINUS_PLUS_ONE;
00166    default:
00167       assert( 0 );
00168       return TGSI_SAT_NONE;
00169    }
00170 }

static GLuint convert_writemask ( GLuint  writemask  )  [static]

Definition at line 173 of file st_mesa_to_tgsi.c.


00175 {
00176    assert( WRITEMASK_X == TGSI_WRITEMASK_X );
00177    assert( WRITEMASK_Y == TGSI_WRITEMASK_Y );
00178    assert( WRITEMASK_Z == TGSI_WRITEMASK_Z );
00179    assert( WRITEMASK_W == TGSI_WRITEMASK_W );
00180    assert( (writemask & ~TGSI_WRITEMASK_XYZW) == 0 );
00182    return writemask;
00183 }

static void find_temporaries ( const struct gl_program *  program,
GLboolean  tempsUsed[MAX_PROGRAM_TEMPS] 
) [static]

Find the temporaries which are used in the given program.

Definition at line 688 of file st_mesa_to_tgsi.c.

00690 {
00691    GLuint i, j;
00693    for (i = 0; i < MAX_PROGRAM_TEMPS; i++)
00694       tempsUsed[i] = GL_FALSE;
00696    for (i = 0; i < program->NumInstructions; i++) {
00697       const struct prog_instruction *inst = program->Instructions + i;
00698       const GLuint n = _mesa_num_inst_src_regs( inst->Opcode );
00699       for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
00700          if (inst->SrcReg[j].File == PROGRAM_TEMPORARY)
00701             tempsUsed[inst->SrcReg[j].Index] = GL_TRUE;
00702          if (inst->DstReg.File == PROGRAM_TEMPORARY)
00703             tempsUsed[inst->DstReg.Index] = GL_TRUE;
00704       }
00705    }
00706 }

static struct tgsi_full_declaration make_addr_decl ( GLuint  start_index,
GLuint  end_index 
) [static, read]

Definition at line 646 of file st_mesa_to_tgsi.c.

References tgsi_full_declaration::Declaration, tgsi_full_declaration::DeclarationRange, tgsi_declaration::File, tgsi_declaration_range::First, tgsi_declaration_range::Last, tgsi_default_full_declaration(), and TGSI_FILE_ADDRESS.

00649 {
00650    struct tgsi_full_declaration decl;
00652    decl = tgsi_default_full_declaration();
00653    decl.Declaration.File = TGSI_FILE_ADDRESS;
00654    decl.DeclarationRange.First = start_index;
00655    decl.DeclarationRange.Last = end_index;
00656    return decl;
00657 }

static struct tgsi_full_declaration make_constant_decl ( GLuint  first,
GLuint  last 
) [static, read]

Reference into a constant buffer.

Definition at line 672 of file st_mesa_to_tgsi.c.

References tgsi_full_declaration::Declaration, tgsi_full_declaration::DeclarationRange, tgsi_declaration::File, tgsi_declaration_range::First, tgsi_declaration_range::Last, tgsi_default_full_declaration(), and TGSI_FILE_CONSTANT.

00673 {
00674    struct tgsi_full_declaration decl;
00675    decl = tgsi_default_full_declaration();
00676    decl.Declaration.File = TGSI_FILE_CONSTANT;
00677    decl.DeclarationRange.First = first;
00678    decl.DeclarationRange.Last = last;
00679    return decl;
00680 }

static struct tgsi_full_immediate make_immediate ( const float *  value,
uint  size 
) [static, read]

Definition at line 186 of file st_mesa_to_tgsi.c.

References tgsi_default_full_immediate(), and TGSI_IMM_FLOAT32.

00187 {
00188    struct tgsi_full_immediate imm;
00190    imm = tgsi_default_full_immediate();
00191    imm.Immediate.Size += size;
00192    imm.Immediate.DataType = TGSI_IMM_FLOAT32;
00193    imm.u.Pointer = value;
00194    return imm;
00195 }

static struct tgsi_full_declaration make_input_decl ( GLuint  index,
GLboolean  interpolate_info,
GLuint  interpolate,
GLuint  usage_mask,
GLboolean  semantic_info,
GLuint  semantic_name,
GLbitfield  semantic_index,
GLbitfield  input_flags 
) [static, read]

usage_mask bitfield of TGSI_WRITEMASK_{XYZW} tokens

Definition at line 565 of file st_mesa_to_tgsi.c.

References assert, tgsi_declaration::Centroid, tgsi_full_declaration::Declaration, tgsi_full_declaration::DeclarationRange, tgsi_declaration::File, tgsi_declaration_range::First, tgsi_declaration::Interpolate, tgsi_declaration::Invariant, tgsi_declaration_range::Last, tgsi_full_declaration::Semantic, tgsi_declaration::Semantic, tgsi_declaration_semantic::SemanticIndex, tgsi_declaration_semantic::SemanticName, tgsi_default_full_declaration(), TGSI_FILE_INPUT, TGSI_SEMANTIC_COUNT, and tgsi_declaration::UsageMask.

00574 {
00575    struct tgsi_full_declaration decl;
00577    assert(semantic_name < TGSI_SEMANTIC_COUNT);
00579    decl = tgsi_default_full_declaration();
00580    decl.Declaration.File = TGSI_FILE_INPUT;
00581    decl.Declaration.UsageMask = usage_mask;
00582    decl.Declaration.Semantic = semantic_info;
00583    decl.DeclarationRange.First = index;
00584    decl.DeclarationRange.Last = index;
00585    if (semantic_info) {
00586       decl.Semantic.SemanticName = semantic_name;
00587       decl.Semantic.SemanticIndex = semantic_index;
00588    }
00589    if (interpolate_info) {
00590       decl.Declaration.Interpolate = interpolate;
00591    }
00592    if (input_flags & PROG_PARAM_BIT_CENTROID)
00593       decl.Declaration.Centroid = 1;
00594    if (input_flags & PROG_PARAM_BIT_INVARIANT)
00595       decl.Declaration.Invariant = 1;
00597    return decl;
00598 }

static struct tgsi_full_declaration make_output_decl ( GLuint  index,
GLuint  semantic_name,
GLuint  semantic_index,
GLuint  usage_mask,
GLbitfield  output_flags 
) [static, read]

usage_mask bitfield of TGSI_WRITEMASK_{XYZW} tokens

Definition at line 604 of file st_mesa_to_tgsi.c.

References assert, tgsi_declaration::Centroid, tgsi_full_declaration::Declaration, tgsi_full_declaration::DeclarationRange, tgsi_declaration::File, tgsi_declaration_range::First, tgsi_declaration::Invariant, tgsi_declaration_range::Last, tgsi_full_declaration::Semantic, tgsi_declaration::Semantic, tgsi_declaration_semantic::SemanticIndex, tgsi_declaration_semantic::SemanticName, tgsi_default_full_declaration(), TGSI_FILE_OUTPUT, TGSI_SEMANTIC_COUNT, and tgsi_declaration::UsageMask.

00610 {
00611    struct tgsi_full_declaration decl;
00613    assert(semantic_name < TGSI_SEMANTIC_COUNT);
00615    decl = tgsi_default_full_declaration();
00616    decl.Declaration.File = TGSI_FILE_OUTPUT;
00617    decl.Declaration.UsageMask = usage_mask;
00618    decl.Declaration.Semantic = 1;
00619    decl.DeclarationRange.First = index;
00620    decl.DeclarationRange.Last = index;
00621    decl.Semantic.SemanticName = semantic_name;
00622    decl.Semantic.SemanticIndex = semantic_index;
00623    if (output_flags & PROG_PARAM_BIT_CENTROID)
00624       decl.Declaration.Centroid = 1;
00625    if (output_flags & PROG_PARAM_BIT_INVARIANT)
00626       decl.Declaration.Invariant = 1;
00628    return decl;
00629 }

static struct tgsi_full_declaration make_sampler_decl ( GLuint  index  )  [static, read]

Definition at line 660 of file st_mesa_to_tgsi.c.

References tgsi_full_declaration::Declaration, tgsi_full_declaration::DeclarationRange, tgsi_declaration::File, tgsi_declaration_range::First, tgsi_declaration_range::Last, tgsi_default_full_declaration(), and TGSI_FILE_SAMPLER.

00661 {
00662    struct tgsi_full_declaration decl;
00663    decl = tgsi_default_full_declaration();
00664    decl.Declaration.File = TGSI_FILE_SAMPLER;
00665    decl.DeclarationRange.First = index;
00666    decl.DeclarationRange.Last = index;
00667    return decl;
00668 }

static struct tgsi_full_declaration make_temp_decl ( GLuint  start_index,
GLuint  end_index 
) [static, read]

Definition at line 633 of file st_mesa_to_tgsi.c.

References tgsi_full_declaration::Declaration, tgsi_full_declaration::DeclarationRange, tgsi_declaration::File, tgsi_declaration_range::First, tgsi_declaration_range::Last, tgsi_default_full_declaration(), and TGSI_FILE_TEMPORARY.

00636 {
00637    struct tgsi_full_declaration decl;
00638    decl = tgsi_default_full_declaration();
00639    decl.Declaration.File = TGSI_FILE_TEMPORARY;
00640    decl.DeclarationRange.First = start_index;
00641    decl.DeclarationRange.Last = end_index;
00642    return decl;
00643 }

static GLuint map_register_file ( enum register_file  file,
GLuint  index,
const GLuint  immediateMapping[],
GLboolean  indirectAccess 
) [static]

Definition at line 50 of file st_mesa_to_tgsi.c.


00055 {
00056    switch( file ) {
00057    case PROGRAM_UNDEFINED:
00058       return TGSI_FILE_NULL;
00059    case PROGRAM_TEMPORARY:
00060       return TGSI_FILE_TEMPORARY;
00061    /*case PROGRAM_LOCAL_PARAM:*/
00062    /*case PROGRAM_ENV_PARAM:*/
00064       /* Because of the longstanding problem with mesa arb shaders
00065        * where constants, immediates and state variables are all
00066        * bundled together as PROGRAM_STATE_VAR, we can't tell from the
00067        * mesa register file whether this is a CONSTANT or an
00068        * IMMEDIATE, hence we need all the other information.
00069        */
00070    case PROGRAM_STATE_VAR:
00071    case PROGRAM_NAMED_PARAM:
00072    case PROGRAM_UNIFORM:
00073       if (!indirectAccess && immediateMapping && immediateMapping[index] != ~0)
00074          return TGSI_FILE_IMMEDIATE;
00075       else
00076          return TGSI_FILE_CONSTANT;
00077    case PROGRAM_CONSTANT:
00078       if (indirectAccess)
00079          return TGSI_FILE_CONSTANT;
00080       assert(immediateMapping[index] != ~0);
00081       return TGSI_FILE_IMMEDIATE;
00082    case PROGRAM_INPUT:
00083       return TGSI_FILE_INPUT;
00084    case PROGRAM_OUTPUT:
00085       return TGSI_FILE_OUTPUT;
00086    case PROGRAM_ADDRESS:
00087       return TGSI_FILE_ADDRESS;
00088    default:
00089       assert( 0 );
00090       return TGSI_FILE_NULL;
00091    }
00092 }

static GLuint map_register_file_index ( GLuint  file,
GLuint  index,
const GLuint  inputMapping[],
const GLuint  outputMapping[],
const GLuint  immediateMapping[],
GLboolean  indirectAccess 
) [static]

Map mesa register file index to TGSI index.

Take special care when processing input and output indices.

file one of TGSI_FILE_x
index the mesa register file index
inputMapping maps Mesa input indexes to TGSI input indexes
outputMapping maps Mesa output indexes to TGSI output indexes

Definition at line 103 of file st_mesa_to_tgsi.c.


00110 {
00111    switch( file ) {
00112    case TGSI_FILE_INPUT:
00113       /* inputs are mapped according to the user-defined map */
00114       return inputMapping[index];
00116    case TGSI_FILE_OUTPUT:
00117       return outputMapping[index];
00119    case TGSI_FILE_IMMEDIATE:
00120       if (indirectAccess)
00121          return index;
00122       assert(immediateMapping[index] != ~0);
00123       return immediateMapping[index];
00125    default:
00126       return index;
00127    }
00128 }

static GLuint map_texture_target ( GLuint  textarget  )  [static]

Definition at line 134 of file st_mesa_to_tgsi.c.


00136 {
00137    switch( textarget ) {
00138    case TEXTURE_1D_INDEX:
00139       return TGSI_TEXTURE_1D;
00140    case TEXTURE_2D_INDEX:
00141       return TGSI_TEXTURE_2D;
00142    case TEXTURE_3D_INDEX:
00143       return TGSI_TEXTURE_3D;
00144    case TEXTURE_CUBE_INDEX:
00145       return TGSI_TEXTURE_CUBE;
00146    case TEXTURE_RECT_INDEX:
00147       return TGSI_TEXTURE_RECT;
00148    default:
00149       assert( 0 );
00150    }
00152    return TGSI_TEXTURE_1D;
00153 }

GLuint st_translate_mesa_program ( uint  procType,
const struct gl_program *  program,
GLuint  numInputs,
const GLuint  inputMapping[],
const ubyte  inputSemanticName[],
const ubyte  inputSemanticIndex[],
const GLuint  interpMode[],
const GLbitfield  inputFlags[],
GLuint  numOutputs,
const GLuint  outputMapping[],
const ubyte  outputSemanticName[],
const ubyte  outputSemanticIndex[],
const GLbitfield  outputFlags[],
struct tgsi_token tokens,
GLuint  maxTokens 

Translate Mesa program to TGSI format.

program the program to translate
numInputs number of input registers used
inputMapping maps Mesa fragment program inputs to TGSI generic input indexes
inputSemanticName the TGSI_SEMANTIC flag for each input
inputSemanticIndex the semantic index (ex: which texcoord) for each input
interpMode the TGSI_INTERPOLATE_LINEAR/PERSP mode for each input
numOutputs number of output registers used
outputMapping maps Mesa fragment program outputs to TGSI generic outputs
outputSemanticName the TGSI_SEMANTIC flag for each output
outputSemanticIndex the semantic index (ex: which texcoord) for each output
tokens array to store translated tokens in
maxTokens size of the tokens array
number of tokens placed in 'tokens' buffer, or zero if error

Definition at line 732 of file st_mesa_to_tgsi.c.

References assert, compile_instruction(), debug_printf(), find_temporaries(), make_addr_decl(), make_constant_decl(), make_immediate(), make_input_decl(), make_output_decl(), make_sampler_decl(), make_temp_decl(), tgsi_build_full_declaration(), tgsi_build_full_immediate(), tgsi_build_full_instruction(), tgsi_build_header(), tgsi_build_processor(), tgsi_build_version(), tgsi_dump(), TGSI_PROCESSOR_FRAGMENT, TGSI_PROCESSOR_VERTEX, tgsi_sanity_check(), TGSI_SEMANTIC_COLOR, TGSI_SEMANTIC_POSITION, TGSI_WRITEMASK_XYZW, and TGSI_WRITEMASK_Z.

00748 {
00749    GLuint i;
00750    GLuint ti;  /* token index */
00751    struct tgsi_header *header;
00752    struct tgsi_processor *processor;
00753    struct tgsi_full_instruction fullinst;
00754    GLuint preamble_size = 0;
00755    GLuint immediates[1000];
00756    GLuint numImmediates = 0;
00757    GLboolean insideSubroutine = GL_FALSE;
00758    GLboolean indirectAccess = GL_FALSE;
00760    assert(procType == TGSI_PROCESSOR_FRAGMENT ||
00761           procType == TGSI_PROCESSOR_VERTEX);
00763    *(struct tgsi_version *) &tokens[0] = tgsi_build_version();
00765    header = (struct tgsi_header *) &tokens[1];
00766    *header = tgsi_build_header();
00768    processor = (struct tgsi_processor *) &tokens[2];
00769    *processor = tgsi_build_processor( procType, header );
00771    ti = 3;
00773    /*
00774     * Declare input attributes.
00775     */
00776    if (procType == TGSI_PROCESSOR_FRAGMENT) {
00777       for (i = 0; i < numInputs; i++) {
00778          struct tgsi_full_declaration fulldecl;
00779          fulldecl = make_input_decl(i,
00780                                     GL_TRUE, interpMode[i],
00781                                     TGSI_WRITEMASK_XYZW,
00782                                     GL_TRUE, inputSemanticName[i],
00783                                     inputSemanticIndex[i],
00784                                     inputFlags[i]);
00785          ti += tgsi_build_full_declaration(&fulldecl,
00786                                            &tokens[ti],
00787                                            header,
00788                                            maxTokens - ti );
00789       }
00790    }
00791    else {
00792       /* vertex prog */
00793       /* XXX: this could probaby be merged with the clause above.
00794        * the only difference is the semantic tags.
00795        */
00796       for (i = 0; i < numInputs; i++) {
00797          struct tgsi_full_declaration fulldecl;
00798          fulldecl = make_input_decl(i,
00799                                     GL_FALSE, 0,
00800                                     TGSI_WRITEMASK_XYZW,
00801                                     GL_FALSE, 0, 0,
00802                                     inputFlags[i]);
00803          ti += tgsi_build_full_declaration(&fulldecl,
00804                                            &tokens[ti],
00805                                            header,
00806                                            maxTokens - ti );
00807       }
00808    }
00810    /*
00811     * Declare output attributes.
00812     */
00813    if (procType == TGSI_PROCESSOR_FRAGMENT) {
00814       for (i = 0; i < numOutputs; i++) {
00815          struct tgsi_full_declaration fulldecl;
00816          switch (outputSemanticName[i]) {
00817          case TGSI_SEMANTIC_POSITION:
00818             fulldecl = make_output_decl(i,
00819                                         TGSI_SEMANTIC_POSITION, /* Z / Depth */
00820                                         outputSemanticIndex[i],
00821                                         TGSI_WRITEMASK_Z,
00822                                         outputFlags[i]);
00823             break;
00824          case TGSI_SEMANTIC_COLOR:
00825             fulldecl = make_output_decl(i,
00826                                         TGSI_SEMANTIC_COLOR,
00827                                         outputSemanticIndex[i],
00828                                         TGSI_WRITEMASK_XYZW,
00829                                         outputFlags[i]);
00830             break;
00831          default:
00832             assert(0);
00833             return 0;
00834          }
00835          ti += tgsi_build_full_declaration(&fulldecl,
00836                                            &tokens[ti],
00837                                            header,
00838                                            maxTokens - ti );
00839       }
00840    }
00841    else {
00842       /* vertex prog */
00843       for (i = 0; i < numOutputs; i++) {
00844          struct tgsi_full_declaration fulldecl;
00845          fulldecl = make_output_decl(i,
00846                                      outputSemanticName[i],
00847                                      outputSemanticIndex[i],
00848                                      TGSI_WRITEMASK_XYZW,
00849                                      outputFlags[i]);
00850          ti += tgsi_build_full_declaration(&fulldecl,
00851                                            &tokens[ti],
00852                                            header,
00853                                            maxTokens - ti );
00854       }
00855    }
00857    /* temporary decls */
00858    {
00859       GLboolean tempsUsed[MAX_PROGRAM_TEMPS + 1];
00860       GLboolean inside_range = GL_FALSE;
00861       GLuint start_range = 0;
00863       find_temporaries(program, tempsUsed);
00864       tempsUsed[MAX_PROGRAM_TEMPS] = GL_FALSE;
00865       for (i = 0; i < MAX_PROGRAM_TEMPS + 1; i++) {
00866          if (tempsUsed[i] && !inside_range) {
00867             inside_range = GL_TRUE;
00868             start_range = i;
00869          }
00870          else if (!tempsUsed[i] && inside_range) {
00871             struct tgsi_full_declaration fulldecl;
00873             inside_range = GL_FALSE;
00874             fulldecl = make_temp_decl( start_range, i - 1 );
00875             ti += tgsi_build_full_declaration(
00876                &fulldecl,
00877                &tokens[ti],
00878                header,
00879                maxTokens - ti );
00880          }
00881       }
00882    }
00884    /* Declare address register.
00885    */
00886    if (program->NumAddressRegs > 0) {
00887       struct tgsi_full_declaration fulldecl;
00889       assert( program->NumAddressRegs == 1 );
00891       fulldecl = make_addr_decl( 0, 0 );
00892       ti += tgsi_build_full_declaration(
00893          &fulldecl,
00894          &tokens[ti],
00895          header,
00896          maxTokens - ti );
00898       indirectAccess = GL_TRUE;
00899    }
00901    /* immediates/literals */
00902    memset(immediates, ~0, sizeof(immediates));
00904    /* Emit immediates only when there is no address register in use.
00905     * FIXME: Be smarter and recognize param arrays -- indirect addressing is
00906     *        only valid within the referenced array.
00907     */
00908    if (program->Parameters && !indirectAccess) {
00909       for (i = 0; i < program->Parameters->NumParameters; i++) {
00910          if (program->Parameters->Parameters[i].Type == PROGRAM_CONSTANT) {
00911             struct tgsi_full_immediate fullimm;
00913             fullimm = make_immediate( program->Parameters->ParameterValues[i], 4 );
00914             ti += tgsi_build_full_immediate(
00915                &fullimm,
00916                &tokens[ti],
00917                header,
00918                maxTokens - ti );
00919             immediates[i] = numImmediates;
00920             numImmediates++;
00921          }
00922       }
00923    }
00925    /* constant buffer refs */
00926    if (program->Parameters) {
00927       GLint start = -1, end = -1;
00929       for (i = 0; i < program->Parameters->NumParameters; i++) {
00930          GLboolean emit = (i == program->Parameters->NumParameters - 1);
00931          GLboolean matches;
00933          switch (program->Parameters->Parameters[i].Type) {
00934          case PROGRAM_ENV_PARAM:
00935          case PROGRAM_STATE_VAR:
00936          case PROGRAM_NAMED_PARAM:
00937          case PROGRAM_UNIFORM:
00938             matches = GL_TRUE;
00939             break;
00940          case PROGRAM_CONSTANT:
00941             matches = indirectAccess;
00942             break;
00943          default:
00944             matches = GL_FALSE;
00945          }
00947          if (matches) {
00948             if (start == -1) {
00949                /* begin a sequence */
00950                start = i;
00951                end = i;
00952             }
00953             else {
00954                /* continue sequence */
00955                end = i;
00956             }
00957          }
00958          else {
00959             if (start != -1) {
00960                /* end of sequence */
00961                emit = GL_TRUE;
00962             }
00963          }
00965          if (emit && start >= 0) {
00966             struct tgsi_full_declaration fulldecl;
00968             fulldecl = make_constant_decl( start, end );
00969             ti += tgsi_build_full_declaration(
00970                &fulldecl,
00971                &tokens[ti],
00972                header,
00973                maxTokens - ti );
00974             start = end = -1;
00975          }
00976       }
00977    }
00979    /* texture samplers */
00980    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
00981       if (program->SamplersUsed & (1 << i)) {
00982          struct tgsi_full_declaration fulldecl;
00984          fulldecl = make_sampler_decl( i );
00985          ti += tgsi_build_full_declaration(
00986             &fulldecl,
00987             &tokens[ti],
00988             header,
00989             maxTokens - ti );
00990       }
00991    }
00993    for (i = 0; i < program->NumInstructions; i++) {
00994       compile_instruction(
00995          &program->Instructions[i],
00996          &fullinst,
00997          inputMapping,
00998          outputMapping,
00999          immediates,
01000          indirectAccess,
01001          preamble_size,
01002          procType,
01003          &insideSubroutine );
01005       ti += tgsi_build_full_instruction(
01006          &fullinst,
01007          &tokens[ti],
01008          header,
01009          maxTokens - ti );
01010    }
01012 #if DEBUG
01013    if(!tgsi_sanity_check(tokens)) {
01014       debug_printf("Due to sanity check failure(s) above the following shader program is invalid:\n");
01015       debug_printf("\nOriginal program:\n%s", program->String);
01016       debug_printf("\nMesa program:\n");
01017       _mesa_print_program(program);
01018       debug_printf("\nTGSI program:\n");
01019       tgsi_dump(tokens, 0);
01020       assert(0);
01021    }
01022 #endif
01024    return ti;
01025 }

Generated on Tue Sep 29 06:25:54 2009 for Gallium3D by  doxygen 1.5.4