core | glapi | vbo | math | shader | swrast | swrast_setup | tnl | tnl_dd

SWvertex Struct Reference

#include <swrast.h>

Detailed Description

Data-structure to handle vertices in the software rasterizer.

The software rasterizer now uses this format for vertices. Thus a 'RasterSetup' stage or other translation is required between the tnl module and the swrast rasterization functions. This serves to isolate the swrast module from the internals of the tnl module, and improve its usefulness as a fallback mechanism for hardware drivers.

wpos = attr[FRAG_ATTRIB_WPOS] and MUST BE THE FIRST values in the vertex because of the tnl clipping code.

wpos[0] and [1] are the screen-coords of SWvertex. wpos[2] is the z-buffer coord (if 16-bit Z buffer, in range [0,65535]). wpos[3] is 1/w where w is the clip-space W coord. This is the value that clip{XYZ} were multiplied by to get ndc{XYZ}.

Full software drivers:

Rasterization hardware drivers:

Data Fields

GLfloat attrib [FRAG_ATTRIB_MAX][4]
GLchan color [4]
GLfloat pointSize
 integer color

Field Documentation

GLfloat SWvertex::attrib[FRAG_ATTRIB_MAX][4]

GLchan SWvertex::color[4]

GLfloat SWvertex::pointSize

integer color

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Sun Sep 27 06:48:05 2009 for Mesa Software Rasterization (swrast) by  doxygen 1.5.4